Tuesday, September 27, 2011


OK, So back to XXX & me, Mr. Boston and our company.

Mr. Boston and I were now the owners and operators of a fully fledged XXX production company called “GANKSTA

Films” - we just had NO office or a mailing address - so we used my personal address and or our Attorney’s office and we would hold meetings at “The Roosevelt” which is where Mr. Boston always stayed NO matter what - If Mr. Boston was in Los Angeles - he had a sweet at “The Roosevelt” no matter what, I guess you could say that’s just how he rolled, in retrospect it was such a waste of capital but you know what? I wasn’t bankrolling any of it - so fuck it.

Plus we’ve NOW recruited or rather - we’ve stolen - one of the BEST XXX wrangler’s in the BIZ as our potential third partner, he was also one hell of a number’s cruncher - he knew just about everyone in the industry and with his connections we would be set. You’re probably asking what in the hell is a wrangler? It’s just XXX lingo for a “PRODUCER” or a production manager or both - I didn’t know what a wrangler was either until my buddy. The XXX super agent who also fucked me over every which way but loose asks me and Mr. Boston, “So you two have a wrangler, right? Because if you guys don’t, you NEED one, let me make a call, I have a buddy, he’s a wrangler, I’m not even sure if we can get him for you guys, his name is WAX. Yeah, WAX, one hell of a wrangler - they should have called it the strangler, and one seriously TWO faced cock-sucking mother-fucker.

We actually stole him from Tera Patrick's company - and we should have known better. When people aren’t loyal to the people they’re with - Fuck ME with a chainsaw if you think that same person is going to somehow be honest and loyal with you...

We got a few OK’s from various friends saying “WAX” was WELL worth his weight in gold and just having him on board would open a tremendous amount of doors for us. So, WAX was now part of the team and although I had those feelings in the back of my head - that feeling you get when you get with a girl who broke up with another dude to be with you - and you know it’s only a matter of time before she’s going to screw you the same way she screwed the guy she left - to be with you, that’s how I felt about "WAX" and I was right. I’ve been working in LEGIT Hollywood long enough to know when it, he or she seems to good to be true it, he or she is to good to be true.

So, now it was time for me to shoot and direct my 1st XXX scene. WAX was producing and Mr. Boston would not be on set - he had stuff to take care of in Boston. We scored the girl I wanted - A girl who was on the verge of becoming a MEGA xxx super-star and she did - but then all the do’s and don’t’s came into play - she won’t work with this guy, she won’t do bareback, she won’t do this and she won't do that and on and on we go with her agent - that same sleazy buddy of mine who hooked us up with WAX...

I say the same thing Mr. Boston says, Well is it money? Of course it’s money, it's always money, in Hollywood, in the XXX game - it's always money. So, if we pay her yada yada as opposed to yada yada then we get a yes and another yes, right? Her agent says, my buddy and SUPER pal, says to us, that would be a yes.

Her agent & my friend - what a friend huh - that saying, "KEEP YOU’RE FRIENDS CLOSE BUT YOU’RE ENEMIES CLOSER" couldn’t have been more on money.

WAX get’s one of the BEST cinematographer’s in the game to shoot the scene and we told him that it was my VERY 1st XXX scene but I knew what I was doing - all the cinematographer had to do was basically walk me through the scene - I was capable of writing, directing and shooting either A-camera or B-camera and I was able to tell MY TALENT what I wanted her to do END OF STORY - no big deal, right?...

I just wanted a guarantee from WAX that this cinematographer new from the get-go that No-matter what I did, and no matter what this cinematographer did - he was there to help me and that was that - the scene was going to be directed and shot by RAY LAZER. And this seasoned vet needed to know that the finished product would be a RAY LAZER scene, WAX of course gave me every assurance that we were all on the SAME PAGE with this.

In the end - months and months later, this ended up NOT being the case and when WAX was asked about my specific participation in the scene - WAX said, Ray shot B-cam ONLY, he did not direct the scene, he did not shoot the scene - he helped out a little bit by shooting some B-cam stuff.

That motherfucking lying cock-sucker!



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