It was 2006 and I was a convention in downtown Los Angeles. I was on the deck outside smoking with a girl very pretty young girl / woman named Jaime. I’ve always had an affinity for younger women and she was 19 or maybe 20... Anyway - we’re smoking and we bump into this guy who looked and seemed VERY young. Way too young to invest in a film and way too young to be any sort of businessman. Anyway, I start talking to this young guy about Hollywood, Los Angeles - YADA - YADA -- and the guy would not stop eyeing the 19 year old chick I was with... At the time I was about to produce a very small independent feature film & we had Dennis Hopper attached in a pay or play contract. Now the way it works in "Hollywood" -- the land of lollipops and rainbows - is if I could bring other MONEY into the mix then my producer percentage $ on the front end and on then back end would become that much MORE... So, I’m talking to this guy who has a very thick Boston accent - that "Good Will Hunting" type of Boston accent & he’s dressed like a wanna-be surfer from Boston and I start telling him about the Dennis Hopper film - because I know I’ll never see this dude again…We exchange cell numbers - And this is the guy WHO would become my 50/50 partner in the XXX film industry.
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