Sunday, October 9, 2011

Model’s, Rockstar’s, Incredibly crazy goings on and me

So now I’m living in the infamous haunted house on Deronda Drive -- at the top of Beachwood Canyon with Peg, my homeboy "Pinch" - "Pinch" and JJ "The Rockstar" JJ was on the verge of DEATH when I met him -- so then I move into his house (literally) - So, JJ who had just quit a band called The RHCP  - yup The one and only "RED HOT'S" -- one of the most popular Rock, Funk bands of all time and yup -- JJ quits - I can truly say that John didn't give a flying fuck about money, fame, glory, power or any of it for that matter -- John didn't give a fuck about what anyone thought of him - I have no reason to embellish any of this & at this point I just don't give a fuck - My year in JJ's house of insanity and utter lunacy was sort almost too weird to even try to write out. I’m not saying I did not indulge quite heavily at times with JJ and without JJ but JJ lived in what he called the 4th dimension - a new level of time and space. He was and is one of the most talented painters I've ever seen or known and I'm not a laymen when it comes to art - JJ was doing an overabundance of illicit substances and that's putting it soooooooooo lightly and soooooooo pg-13 to say the least -- he begun to smoke and shoot Meth besides a healthy dose of Heroin on the DL and anything he could get his hands on but he did hide his use of "H" very well - he had to - because Peg's house rules were short, simple and straight to the point, "any drugs but NO "H" for or with or near JJ in that house. It was too crazy how he would and did somehow hide shooting up "H" from Peg somehow. JJ would sneak all over the manicured property - around the pool, the pool house, the bushes, trees as well as the garage in order to shoot his heroin.

 So I guess technically he was sticking to Peg’s law. JJ WOULD record songs into an 13 track or a 16 track recorder thing he had set up on the floor of the living room - he'd play his guitars and record songs all day, all night, for hours and hours, days and days, and sometimes even weeks at a time with zero sleep, sure he'd unplug every now and then for essentials but he was in another universe and if you ask my opinion - those very few people who are real artists of any kind - drugs or NO drugs are always in another universe - meaning they’re CRAZY - for real - if they didn't have millions of dollars - they’d be on the streets talking to themselves or in a psych ward or a sanitarium and that’s why they're so talented, Peg would refer to her and JJ as a couple - when the cold hard truth was even though Peg may have loved him, and even though JJ may have loved her - the FACT was that what JJ needed was someone to take care of him and PEG nailed the role - she got the gig hands down - she was his primary caretaker - nurse and mother - NOT his lover or his girlfriend, she would give him baths, feed him, dress him, help with his dentures, make him pancakes or whatever he could somehow try to keep down - she would drive him to appointments, concerts, band practice with "Thelonius Monster" & "Fishbone".

Any sex or intimacy was out the door - JJ was straight up NOT capable of performing in the sex department due to the drugs and his physical condition anyway - PLUS sex is by far the LAST thing on any true HEROIN ADDICTS mind. I came to forge a true friendship with JJ as time went on in that INSANE HOUSE of ours and I will give him props on allot of different fronts - he was and is an absolute genius with regard to being a TRUE artist in just about every respect. One of the best guitar players that has ever lived, painter, writer - basically anything he put his mind to creatively was utterly beautiful.

OK, so now it’s been two or three weeks and I just wrapped the J-Lo movie somehow - GOD only knows how under my living conditions at this point and now I'm working on another big HOLLYWOOD movie and I'm trying so hard to put the deaths of my Father & Grandfather out of my mind - I pushed them away as far away as possible - I pushed my own grieving process out away and anywhere in between - accept for where it should have been - JJ and I had allot in common in that respect because he was doing the same thing with the death of his best friend and soul brother "River Phoenix" it was the only way I could deal and it and it was obviously the only way JJ could cope.

Then we get word that one of my best friends in NYC has passed away from a heroin O.D. - everyone living in that BEACHWOOD house new this friend of mine - his name was "Davide" dead at 23 years old - On his way to becoming one of the most prolific photographers that ever lived and when Davide died - that was the hump that broke the camel’s back - at least for me it was.

The three most important men in my life were now dead - it was surreal - I have no words that can describe where my head went at that point - my shell was starting to become impenetrable - I was starting to feel 100% straight-up bullet proof - I did not want to feel anything with or for anyone - and it would head me into a dark place and that’s when Peg and me started something up other then friendship.

So, it begins to get more and more weird in the house and it would progressively become more and more BIZARRE. And keep in mind - that I’m the only person in the house who went to work every day, I was just trying to keep my head above water, while living inside a maze of iniquity. JJ and I become closer and closer and I was about to start having an affair with “PEG” while he was just a few rooms away and or a hallway. NOT GOOD...

People hook up all the time but when you hook up with a girl and you just happen to be living with her and her "boyfriend" and her boyfriend is now one of you're friends, you've just begun to go down a delicate staircase - a spiral staircase where you don't have any idea where the stairs are leading - basically the only thing you know is that wherever that figurative staircase your on is leading you...



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